Tag: Jackson’s Bread

Meet Nadia, a young carer from Hackney

Meet Nadia, a young carer from Hackney

Young carers from Hackney participated in our inspired:arts visual art project with Create artist Liz Jackson. The project – delivered as part of our ongoing partnership with Jackson’s Bread – incorporated the theme of wellbeing into a series of visual arts activities, including collage and tie-dye.

inspired:arts gives young carers vital time to do something for themselves, connect with others and a chance to express themselves through creativity.

Young carer Nadia* (11) shared her experience taking part in the project.


“I care for my two little brothers, as I am their older sister. I first started caring when I was eight years old. As much as it’s my parents’ responsibility, it’s sometimes my responsibility as well. My life as a young carer is different because I have more opportunities to do stuff, like go out on trips and meet new people. Being a young carer has helped me gain skills others my age may not have.

“During the Create project we’ve been creating collages and learning about wellbeing and how we should look after ourselves and our mental health. I enjoyed making the collages because there were a lot of images I found that really represented me, like space themed pictures and cats. We used tie-dye to make our own books, and we made some charms to add to our books. We were shown step-by-step how to make the book to be homemade.


I learnt a lot, and it was really nice working with the rest of the group because I made friends.

“It felt good to do art because I’m really creative. People always tell me I have a big imagination. The staff and teachers were there to help me when I needed them, and Liz [Create Artist] would help me if I was stuck, because some of the things I found tricky to complete. I learnt a lot, and it was really nice working with the rest of the group because I made friends.

“Being creative is important because not everyone has the chance or time when they’re at home. They might have siblings to look after. Opportunities like this give people the chance to let their mind rest. It gives young carers a chance to be free and be a child while they still can.

*Names have been changed to protect participant anonymity.