Supporting Young Carers to Create and Connect This Christmas

Christmas can be a difficult and isolating time for young carers, due to the intensity of their caring responsibilities. Action for Children’s UK-wide survey of young carers under 18 found that 21% are providing care for a loved one for more hours than the average workday, dedicating 11 hours or more each day during the Christmas break. We spoke with Raven, a nine year-old young carer from Winchester, who recently took part in our art:space project. The project gives young carers the chance to do something for themselves and express themselves through the creative arts.
caring for a loved one
“I care mainly for my little brother, because he’s got autism, and he doesn’t understand things as a normal child would. I play with him a lot and it’s fun. We get on well because we’re good brothers and sisters. It’s just sometimes I need a little bit of a break. And thank [goodness] Winchester Young Carers introduced me to Create. It’s really nice to be here. It helps young carers because sometimes when you are caring for someone, you need to take a breath of fresh air and to take a step out the house for a second.”

community through the creative arts
As a result of their caring responsibilities, 44% of young carers interviewed by Action for Children reported missing out on Christmas social events. This sense of isolation over the holidays contributes to feelings of stress and loneliness for one in five young carers. Raven shared the positive impact that art:space had on her social skills and confidence.
“We have been using our imagination and creating sculptures and little pieces of art. We’ve been using a lot of different art materials, like cardboard, foam, spray paint, paint and paper. It’s been really fun to explore with all these materials.
I have never made [foam sculptures] before. I made some cat ears and I actually felt amazed [when I finished them] because I didn’t think they would look as good as they did.

It’s been very good [working as a group]. We’ve been socialising how we should, and everyone is working together in a safe environment. There’s been lots of kids here I didn’t know, so it’s upped my confidence for socialising. I’ve had a lot of help from the staff and other kids and it’s been really wonderful.”
being creative
Raven’s experience at art:space highlights the importance of creativity in young people’s lives. For young carers like Raven, having the chance to explore their imagination freely is essential. It brings a sense of joy and accomplishment that can be hard to find amid the pressures of caregiving.

“I’ve enjoyed how I could use my imagination. [Being creative] feels really good. It’s really fun, and you can just do whatever you want with our imaginations. It is very important, because you do need to use your imagination once in a while, even when you’re an adult, you still need to use it.”
art:space is part of Create’s extensive provision to empower young carers across the UK. By offering them a safe place to create, express and connect, we aim to make the holidays a bit brighter and help young carers like Raven discover their full potential. This Christmas, we invite you to support Create’s mission to bring creativity and joy to young carers across the UK all year round.