ART IS FREEDOM - A conversation with a survivor of modern day slavery Over the summer...
SOLVEIG HERZUM ~ NURTURING TALENT 2024/25 Nurturing Talent is Create’s 12-month part-time...
creative:tandem is our multi-artform project with young people admitted to mental health u...
In May 2024, children looked after and care leavers in the London Borough of Waltham...
changing:minds is Create’s multi-artform project for pupils with special educational nee...
Creativity in education significantly enhances students' learning experiences and overall ...
creative:engagement is Create’s multi-artform project with older people with dementia or...
Image credits to Children's Poetry Summit To celebrate Create Week, we spoke to Create’s ...
This Carers Week, we are shining a spotlight on the 5.7 million unpaid carers across the U...
Carers Week is a time to recognise and celebrate the selfless work of unpaid carers who dedica...