How susie became a carer overnight
Since 2021, adult carers from Edinburgh and Glasgow have come together for a series of online projects with Create – delivered via our Create Live! Zoom format – led by our professional artists in the artforms of photography, visual art and zine. Separated by 50 miles and a global pandemic, the partnership began during the COVID-19 pandemic, bringing carers together during a time of extreme isolation to develop both creative skills and friendships through a screen.

In recent weeks, the group have taken part in a photography project under the guidance of Create photographer Alejandra Carles-Tolra. On Thursday 15 June, the participants were finally able to meet in person when they attended an exhibition celebrating their remarkable artwork. We spoke to Susie about her experiences and what she gained from our creative:voices Edinburgh and Glasgow project.
Susie’s story
“I’m 48, so for the last 14 years I’ve been caring. Me and my husband worked, we had our own business. Then, the accident happened. He had a heart attack stopping a crime and got a brain injury, and that’s where it all stopped. This is how I became a carer overnight. I was also busy raising our daughter and keeping the house. There was no time for me to do anything. Now, our daughter is 16 and I feel that I’m still young enough to learn something. I would like to teach myself further. Photography is something that moves me, so I wonder, could I develop my skills more?
“I don’t normally have a chance to do creative things. Often when I’m out and about, I would take a second to capture a photo with my phone, but nothing like this project. As carers, we’re just so occupied, it’s non-stop.
“[The project has been] educational. It might give me a chance in the future to do something else with what I’ve learnt. I really enjoyed it. It gives me a break from everything else I do.
re-awakening creativity
“[At these workshops] I’ve discovered this creativity that I didn’t know existed until Alejandra started guiding me. She makes me think about this task only and nothing else, and that is great for me, to be able to take my mind off other things and just concentrate on the specific task.
“After taking part in the project, I can create my own artificial light and do things that I never thought I could. I’ve learnt we can create amazing art with simple things around the house. It’s been a process of, “I had no idea I could use that” and then I try it and it works!
It’s very good to see what other people have come up with, too. It’s encouraging and gives me more ideas. It has made me learn new things.
learning something new
“Photography is something that I always wanted to do as a hobby, and definitely something I’m interested in. This project is just giving me a fresh breath of air and opportunity to learn, create and actually be guided to do things: something as simple as using the camera on my own phone.

“I can use the skills that I’ve learnt to take a picture of a flower or bird. It makes me feel better and happier. Now I know how to use the colours or change my position so I can get better lighting. It makes me feel like I’ve learnt something. I think it’s important for us to make the time to educate ourselves.
I have learnt that I can do this. I have learnt that I’ve got more confidence, and I feel more empowered that I can do photography.
It was great to hear the other carers admiring my photos. It was just so pleasing to hear that someone actually likes what I did. One carer said “I could have this on my wall”. It’s nice to hear that from someone else.”
creative:voices Edinburgh and Glasgow is supported by First Sentier Investors.