young carers action day 2023: meet JACOB

Young Carers in Northern Ireland screen the films they created on our inspired:arts YCAD filmmaking project.

During February 2023, our professional artist Linda Mason led filmmaking workshops with young carers from Belfast at Create’s very first project in Northern Ireland. inspired:arts Northern Ireland was part of our Young Carers Action Day (YCAD) programme, which culminated in an online Showcase on Wednesday 15 March.

We spoke to young carer Jacob (12), who shared his experience.

“As a young carer, my life is a bit different to other young people my age. [My peers] aren’t caring for someone but I spend my time helping others. It can limit the time I have to do other things, like homework. But it can also be a positive thing. It enables me to help people.


JACOB, young carer

“This week I’ve taken part in a filmmaking project. I’ve made two films; a silent movie called “James Blonde”, and we also made a movie about being a young carer and what it’s all about. It showed how Young Carers helps us to be ourselves. I really enjoyed how we were able to make what we wanted. We didn’t have a real set boundary. If you got told that you had to do something like a spy movie, you’d have to do a spy movie, but we didn’t. We just got to do what we wanted. I learnt about angles and how much goes into each shot, and how to plan out each scene. I also learnt how the person behind the camera interacts with actors. The project also improves teamwork skills and being able to express our ideas openly.

“this project felt different. it was immersive!”

JACOB, young carer

“Doing something creative felt enjoyable. I get the chance to be creative at school, in drama or art class, but this felt different. It felt more immersive. I think it’s important to be creative because it helps your brain stay awake.

“I think in the future I’d like to go on to do creative work, but something more arty; and I like photography as well.”

Watch JACOB’s film

young carers action day scotland

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