Participant Group: Young and adult carers



81% of unpaid carers experience loneliness and feel isolated through their caring responsibilities.

In the heart of National Storytelling Week, we delve into Lia’s journey through creative:voices our multi-artform project with adult carers. We designed this to alleviate feelings of isolation and enhance wellbeing, enriching carers’ sense of belonging in their community and increasing their confidence in themselves and their abilities.

Lia has taken part in several of our creative:voices projects. We talked to her about her creative writing experience.

Lia’s Story

“I found caring rewarding but it’s sometimes very draining. But it’s something I wanted to do to give back to my parents because they sacrificed so much for us. So, I looked after them. And I enjoyed looking after them. I miss looking after them. I’m caring for my brother at the moment because he’s suffering from depression, unfortunately.”

As Lia reflected on her caring journey, it became evident that the selflessness she shows comes with its challenges, loneliness being one of them.

“Being a carer makes you feel isolated. The focus is on your loved ones, so it’s rewarding to do something for yourself. “


“I enjoyed the project and found it therapeutic. It always brightened my day when I came here. You don’t know what creativity you have until you try it.”

creative:voices provided Lia with a platform to express herself and explore her creativity through writing. While it wasn’t easy at first to put her emotions and her mother’s journey into words, Lia’s determination and the support of the project helped her overcome the initial difficulties. Through this creative outlet, she found a way to rebuild her confidence.

“The creative writing was quite difficult. I wanted to talk about my mum and her journey. That’s what I hoped to do. How she came from Italy on a boat, not knowing English. She was quite poor. That’s what I was trying to do in the creative writing. It was quite hard at first to be honest. I thought ‘I can’t do this. I can’t speak in front of everybody! I can’t express myself! How can I write down on paper my feelings?”

Lia’s determination and the support she received on the project played a key role in her personal growth.

“But [the project has] definitely helped me to build my confidence. I’ve changed from when I first come in in March. My confidence had been knocked basically. It helped me build my confidence to be able express myself on paper and hopefully it will continue.”

Creative writing has had benefits beyond boosting Lia’s confidence, helping her to process and express complex emotions, and contribute to improved mental wellbeing.


“I’ve enjoyed doing things for myself, which I haven’t done for a very long time.”

“Life is short, you’ve got to make the most of it, and I have 20 years left, so I just want to grow and find myself. Find my purpose. Because I’ve lost that. So doing these things has helped me to find my purpose again. It’s helped me grow. I nearly cried there, I’m getting emotional.”

“Hopefully it’s like a stepping stone for my next chapter and my journey will continue into doing volunteering or maybe other things that I’d like to do. “


“I’m a quiet person. I’m shy, but I’m trying to do things that overcome that. I’m helping myself by pushing my boundaries. I’m trying to work on myself.”

“I feel more open [now]. I mean I wouldn’t have been able to talk to you a few months back. I suppose I was very nervous about talking to people. I just felt ‘I can’t approach people, I can’t talk to them. What have I got to say? What of interest have I got to say to people that they would want to talk to me?’ It’s a self-esteem thing. I think [the project has] boosted my self-esteem. My confidence has grown and I’ve enjoyed being creative.”

“It’s a lovely group as well. I’ve really enjoyed working with other people. I’ve enjoyed talking to them. I think I have spoken to everyone. It’s a lovely bunch of people. They’re really friendly and very approachable. I can relate to their situations because I was a carer and I am still a carer.”

“Caring is isolating, because you can’t always go out to do these things. But I’m so glad I did.”

This project is funded by The Smiles Fund, awarding funds from Walkers and Comic Relief.

Meet Harriet, a young carer from Dorset

project manager ceramics workshop

Meet Harriet, a young carer from Dorset

During February 2023, Create artist Poppy Love-Oldham led a visual art project with young carers in Dorset. The project enabled the young carers to take a break from their caring responsibilities, have fun, learn new skills, build relationships and express themselves.

We spoke to Harriet, a young carer from Dorset who took part in the project.


“I took part in the art project. The first day we learnt how to make different things out of clay; we made some flat shapes first where we could put stamps in. Then we made some 3D stuff afterwards, so I made a tealight. We also did some printing.

“I’d never learnt about most of these artforms before. I particularly enjoyed cyanotype where we cut out sections of paper and put it in the sun, then watched it change colour. I get to do art at school, but these were all new types of art for me. Poppy, the artist, helped us by explaining everything clearly.


“If you’re stuck on something, someone else could have a different point of view… You can all say your opinion.”

“Although I was really apprehensive about meeting people, it was really nice to work together. We all got to create art and help each other. I was nervous that people would judge me or not listen, because I’d never been to a young carers project before. Everyone shared their opinions and supported one another – it was really nice! I learnt that if you’re stuck on something, someone else could have a different point of view and you can all say your opinion.”

taking a break

“Being creative helps you wind down.”

I’ve found that being creative helps you wind down a little bit. If something is going on, it helps you escape. Taking part in this project has helped me meet other people like me and have a break from my caring responsibilities. I loved just being able to sit down, relax, and be creative.” 

*Names have been changed to protect participant anonymity.



We work with young carers across the UK, providing creative opportunities that enable them to find supportive communities and discover their potential. inspired:arts is one of our flagship projects, enabling young carers to experience a variety of creative artforms, build their confidence, enhance their wellbeing and express their feelings through art.

In February 2023, young carers from Uxbridge took part in a three-day photography project with professional artist Sam Ivin. During the project, participants got experimental with photography and connected with each other through creativity.

We spoke to Jack*, a young carer who took part in the project.

“With the help of (artist) Sam, we’ve been doing photography and learning how to create art from it. This has involved exploring different mediums, like polaroid pictures and masks. It’s been nice to have the opportunity to learn all of this from a professional artist. I’ve enjoyed that even when there’s a specific task we’re doing, we still get our own sense of freedom within it.


Creativity has really helped with my mental health, especially doing art with other people. It’s helped me take my mind off of everything and focus on something else for a little while.”

“I’ve learnt that even if it takes time, I can actually do stuff and I shouldn’t be giving up as quickly as I sometimes do. We’ve been working as a group and helping each other. I’ve loved learning the group’s ideas and styles and then using them to influence my own. I’ve learnt that it’s so much easier to create art than I first thought, and it’s been really fun to get involved. I’ve also learnt that you don’t need the most expensive cameras to make good art.

“Being creative felt good because sometimes everything is stressful, especially as I have assessments coming up. It’s been nice to be able to do something else besides that. Creativity has really helped with my mental health, especially doing art with other people. It’s helped me take my mind off of everything and focus on something else for a little while.”

*Names have been changed to protect participant anonymity.

Meet Nadia, a young carer from Hackney

Meet Nadia, a young carer from Hackney

Young carers from Hackney participated in our inspired:arts visual art project with Create artist Liz Jackson. The project – delivered as part of our ongoing partnership with Jackson’s Bread – incorporated the theme of wellbeing into a series of visual arts activities, including collage and tie-dye.

inspired:arts gives young carers vital time to do something for themselves, connect with others and a chance to express themselves through creativity.

Young carer Nadia* (11) shared her experience taking part in the project.


“I care for my two little brothers, as I am their older sister. I first started caring when I was eight years old. As much as it’s my parents’ responsibility, it’s sometimes my responsibility as well. My life as a young carer is different because I have more opportunities to do stuff, like go out on trips and meet new people. Being a young carer has helped me gain skills others my age may not have.

“During the Create project we’ve been creating collages and learning about wellbeing and how we should look after ourselves and our mental health. I enjoyed making the collages because there were a lot of images I found that really represented me, like space themed pictures and cats. We used tie-dye to make our own books, and we made some charms to add to our books. We were shown step-by-step how to make the book to be homemade.


I learnt a lot, and it was really nice working with the rest of the group because I made friends.

“It felt good to do art because I’m really creative. People always tell me I have a big imagination. The staff and teachers were there to help me when I needed them, and Liz [Create Artist] would help me if I was stuck, because some of the things I found tricky to complete. I learnt a lot, and it was really nice working with the rest of the group because I made friends.

“Being creative is important because not everyone has the chance or time when they’re at home. They might have siblings to look after. Opportunities like this give people the chance to let their mind rest. It gives young carers a chance to be free and be a child while they still can.

*Names have been changed to protect participant anonymity.

Dharmesh, an adult carer from harrow


Dharmesh, a 56-year-old GP, who took part in creative:voices Harrow, our multi-artform programme that enables adult carers to take a creative break from their caring responsibilities, build trusting relationships with their peers, develop skills, and boost their confidence and wellbeing.

Dharmesh opened up about his experience as an adult caregiver for his mother, who was recently diagnosed with early onset dementia.

He shares that each day brings its own set of unique circumstances. “There is not a typical day I have to say and in some ways that’s a blessing and in other ways it’s frightening.”


One in eight adults in the UK is a carer (Carers UK). The impact of caring goes beyond a commitment of time and energy and many carers experience social isolation and a negative impact on their physical and emotional health. Many are unable to take a break from their caring responsibilities and 42% say that their personal relationships, social lives and leisure time have been restricted.

Create’s projects gives adult carers the opportunity to explore their creativity and self-expression in high quality creative arts workshops led by our professional artists.


During his journey with Create and navigating becoming an adult caregiver, Dharmesh has discovered the importance of creativity and how it has become a true blessing in his life. Over the past few months, the creative arts workshops have provided him with a much-needed outlet and have become an integral part of his weekly routine.

“I have since realised that creativity gives me so much more and allows me to give so much more as well we go away refreshed rejuvenated with energy and enthusiasm to do our caring.”


For Dharmesh, creativity serves as more than just an escape from the responsibilities of caregiving. Having spent much of his life solely focused on hard work and traditional achievements. “It’s something I do for myself. I give to other people not always been that good at giving to myself. I went through a lot of my life thinking that this was a waste of time because the way I had been brought up was that I just had to work really hard and the achievements had to be either financial or in terms of professional status.” Engaging in creativity not only provides a break from the demands of caregiving but also allows him to give more of himself to both his loved ones and the world. It leaves him revitalized, energised and enthusiasm to face his responsibilities.


Creativity has allowed Dharmesh to reminisce on his upbringing in Kenya. “I was born in Kenya grew up in an extended family there was always music and laughter.” He learned the importance to belong to families, communities, and neighbourhoods and sees that Collaborating and engaging in various forms of creativity reinstalls these values. “We are such beautiful unique beings with such imagination and colours and love.”

watch dharmesh’s story

Watch the film to learn more about Dharmesh’s story.

This project is funded by The Smiles Fund, awarding funds from Comic Relief.

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Create wins Children & Young People Now Highly Commended Young Carers Award

Create wins Children & Young People Now Highly Commended Young Carers Award

Last night, Create’s work with young carers was recognised with a prestigious Children & Young People Now Highly Commended award. We were selected – along with category winner Carers in Hertfordshire (congratulations!) from a shortlist of five amazing organisations, and we are delighted to see our work with young carers recognised in this way.

Our Director of Programmes, Kristian Sakulku and I attended the ceremony, an evening that celebrates the work of those working with children, young people and families across the UK. At a time of huge societal challenge, it was so good for our sector to be able to let our hair down for an evening. The event’s celebratory tone was set from the start with a vibrant performance by South London Samba which received rapturous applause. Kristian and I were delighted to see the arts front and centre and the young performers were amazing! The evening was compered by actress, author and former CBeebies presenter, Cerrie Burnell.

Create's inspired:arts project celebrated at the Children & Young People Now Awards

The Children & Young People Now Awards have become the gold standard for everyone working with children, young people and families. Now in their 18th year, these awards are a great source of pride and recognition for all those who strive to improve the lives of others. They raise the profile of projects and initiatives to funders and the general public, and showcase learning and best practice from across the country. Crucially, entrants must be able to provide evidence that what they have done has had a positive impact on young lives. There were more than 500 entries, from which 117 were shortlisted for the 24 awards.


The Young Carers Award for ‘the initiative that has done the most to support children, young people or young adults up to 25 who care for a family member or friend with an illness, disability, mental health problem or addition.’

We were Highly Commended for inspired:arts, the collective name used within the application for our extensive family of young carer programmes:  inspired:arts, art:space, change:matters, community:matters and creative:me, that give young carers a break from their caring responsibilities and enable them to develop new skills and peer support.

Celebrating Create's win at the Children & Young People Now Awards

To have been recognised for our work with young carers (one of seven strands of our work across the UK that uses the creative arts to empower the lives of disadvantaged and vulnerable children and adults), amongst so many other outstanding organisations and individuals, is a real privilege. Knowing that we were selected not only by a panel of 18 adult judges but also by a panel of 10 young judges – placing young people at the centre of the process – was particularly meaningful.

People Need To Create and we are deeply committed to raising awareness of the empowering qualities of engaging in the creative arts. To have been acknowledged with this Children and Young People Now Highly Commended award is a wonderful recognition of the deep commitment to our work with young carers shown by our funders, our dedicated staff team and the inspirational professional artists who deliver our programmes.

To read about our work with young carers, click here.

Nicky Goulder, Founding Chief Executive

artspace Southwark music project

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creative voices Uxbridge animation


Thursday 23 November 2023 is Carers Rights Day, an annual observance dedicated to raising awareness about the rights and challenges of unpaid carers in the UK. This year, we are sharing experiences from our recent creative:voices project with young adult carers in Uxbridge.

Did you know that there are at least 376,000 young adult carers in the UK? Young adult carers are young people aged 16–25 who care, unpaid, for a family member or friend with an illness, disability, mental health condition or addiction.

We designed creative:voices to alleviate feelings of isolation and enhance wellbeing, enriching carers’ sense of belonging in their community and increasing their confidence in themselves and their abilities.

We chatted to young adult carer Lucas (18) about his experience on creative:voices in Uxbridge, West London. Lucas explained how he got creative with other carers on our six-week animation project delivered by our professional filmmaker Linda Mason.


“I care for my mum, and I’ve been a carer for about four or five years now. My mum has something called Lyme disease where she can struggle to walk. It’s quite complicated. I started taking on caring responsibilities because my dad is at work, and my brothers have moved out.

“Sometimes it’s stressful when you want to do stuff and can’t because of your caring responsibilities. I think it’s worth it, though, for the benefit of my mum.”

i felt proud when i completed my animation.



“I took part in Create’s six-week stop motion animation project. I had different ideas and created a few different animations, adding sound and using different objects to create the stop motions.

“Creativity is boosted when you’re getting ideas from other people, and when there are other people taking part together. You get in this bubble with lots of creativity, which you can then use for other projects. It’s a good way to express how you’re feeling and distract yourself from life. I’ve realised I am more creative than I thought I was. Once I start thinking, the ideas start to flow. It’s made me more confident because I’ve found other things I can excel and do well in.

“I felt proud when I completed my animation. I showed my parents what I had created because I felt pride.

Create projects enable you to express emotions you may have bottled up.


working with others

“It’s fun working with others because it helps with your creativity when everyone collectively comes together. Everyone got along well. I liked working with [Create’s filmmaker] Linda. She was really good for ideas and helping out. She got my brain working.

“Projects like this help carers because they help you get away from stuff and they enable you to express any emotions that you may have been bottling up. You express emotions that you can’t express through anything else.”

This project is funded by The Smiles Fund, awarding funds from Comic Relief and Walkers.

Meet young carer Layla: “THERE ARE NO RULES TO CREATIVITY!”

art:space Tunbridge Wells

Meet young carer Layla: “THERE ARE NO RULES TO CREATIVITY!”

Young carers from Tunbridge Wells participated in our art:space 3D sculpture project with Create artist Sam Haynes. Developed in 2007 in partnership with British Landart:space was our first project with young carers and has been running for 16 years. The project continues to give young carers vital time to do something for themselves and a way to express themselves through the creative arts.  

Young carer Layla (11) took part in our art:space 3D sculpture project and shared her experiences with us.

Young carers creating 3D models

“On this project we have been making crowns out of wire and lots of different materials such as foam and plastic jewels. We cut the foam how we wanted to and stuck it to the crown and it was it was really fun. We’re making a sculpture of two crowns which is going to be displayed in Royal Victoria Place. “I’ve enjoyed making new friends on this project, getting messy, and overall just creating stuff because I don’t often get the opportunity to be creative at home. I’ve learnt that sculpture looks quite easy but really, it’s not. You need practice. And obviously you get really messy, so you need to be used to that as well. But when I complete my artwork, I feel like I’ve achieved something. It’s like a reward that I made for myself. It’s the finishing touch. At the end of a race, you get a medal. At the end of an art project, you get that final piece of artwork. It makes you feel really happy.

at the end of a race, you get a medal. at the end of an art project, you get that final piece of artwork. it makes you feel really happy.


art is everywhere

“The project made me feel really positive emotions. I’ve been a creative person since I was young but I don’t normally have many resources to make art at home, so it’s nice to do something different. If you’ve been painting your whole life, it’s nice to try a different artform. If you have that creative mindset, you can do anything. You don’t always have to use your paints and your hands, you can use your feet if you want to. There’s no rules to creativity.

art:space Tunbridge Wells
Young carer and Create artist Sam Haynes spray painting their models

“We would have nothing if it wasn’t for art, because art isn’t just painting. Art is making things, art can even be baking, it can be cooking. Putting up a shelf is artistic because you’re decorating your house. Sometimes you’re creating and you don’t notice it, so it’s really important because we do it much more than we expect.

There are no rules to creativity!


“One thing this project has taught me is that you don’t always have to be good at art to be creative. Not everyone is going to like your artwork anyway. You can be the best artist in the world and still, not everyone is going to like your work. Someone could look at an art project and say ‘that is the best art project I’ve ever seen’, and then someone could say ‘I really don’t like it’. But it shouldn’t stop you creating. The point of being an artist is you don’t care what other people think, you care what you think. If you don’t like it, that’s when you need to improve it. But if someone else doesn’t like it, don’t listen to them. That shouldn’t affect you because you made that piece of art and you should be happy that you made it.  

creating together

art:space Tunbridge Wells
Young carers creating their models and making new friends on art:space Tunbridge Wells

“Working with [Create artist] Sam was good. I find her funny. Working with the rest of the group was very entertaining because I made new friends. It was really cool because the group is really funny and kind and we joked around all the time. The project has taught me independence because I’ve learned that I don’t always need to be with my friends. Being creative with other people on the project helped me make new friends and build connections. If you make good friends through something creative, you’ll want to be creative together again. It’s not like you meet them and then you never see them again. You can actually meet someone and say, ‘Hey, I think we’re going to be pretty good friends. We should stay in touch.”

art:space is a partnership with British Land.

British Land logo


artspace Southwark music project


“We focus on how we can maximise our social impact and use that to create thriving places. By working with Create, we’ve been able to leverage our strengths and our resources to achieve this.”

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An exhibition celebrating the artwork of adult carers in Edinburgh and Glasgow took place from Friday 16 to Sunday 18 June 2023, with a private view on Thursday evening. Displaying a variety of dynamic photography, the artwork was developed in a programme of online photography workshops as part of Create’s creative:voices project, empowering adult carers through the creative arts.

creative voices edinburgh glasgow exhibition
creative voices edinburgh glasgow exhibition

In attendance were participants, staff from Care for Carers Edinburgh and Glasgow East End Community Carers, and friends and family. Separated by a screen for two years, the private view, which took place on the evening of 15 June, was truly a special occasion. Carers who had worked together online throughout lockdown were able to meet and celebrate each other’s artwork.

during the project, his self-esteem lifted, he was going into the garden for the first time and his communication improved.

support worker of create participant

Family and friends

Shirley*, a creative:voices photography participant, said “The project inspired me to go off on my own for a walk after dinner on a really lovely still night. There was an amazing sunset and I was just playing around with composition and trying to remember what I’ve been taught. These photos were the result of that. Seeing my work hung professionally is great. My friend has been dragging people in and telling everyone who the photographer is!”

Shirley sunset phototography
creative:voices participant Shirley’s sunset photography

Adult carer and Create participant Susie* (read her story here) enjoyed Create’s photography project so much so that she took part twice. Susie was unable to attend the private view, so she sent her husband along instead. He spoke to us about the impact of the project on their family.

“During the pandemic Susie was able to join online projects and learn photography. Today I’m at the photography exhibition so I can see this new part of her. The pictures look so professional and she’s blown me away with the quality of the work she’s generated. It’s so artistic. They’re all beautiful colours; oranges and yellows, bright cheerful colours. I know Susie got a chance to look at the exhibition yesterday and she came out tearful. I’m very proud of her.

Susie's husband taking photos of her artwork
Susie’s husband taking photos of her artwork

I do not believe we would have the life together that we have if it wasn’t for the support of organisations like yours.

husband of adult carer susie

“Susie having a break is a reset for us both. I would never stop her doing any of the projects because we all benefit from it. I’d like to thank these organisations for supporting her, they really make a difference to our lives. I do not believe we would have the life together that we have if it wasn’t for the support of organisations like yours.”

“They’ve said that after the exhibition the artwork can be returned to the artists. Hopefully I’ll receive them before Susie comes back from her vacation and I can mount them on the wall. Whenever there’s a tough day she can look at them and remember what she has achieved.”

A photograph taken by adult carer Susie on Create's creative:voices Edinburgh and Glasgow project
A photograph taken by adult carer Susie on Create’s creative:voices Edinburgh and Glasgow project

The evening was full of touching stories. One came from a support worker who has been working closely with an adult carer and her husband who has brain damage:

“The wife couldn’t leave her husband. He had brain damage and was unable to leave the house. She wasn’t getting a break and felt their lives had become completely separate as they had nothing in common. It was going down a rocky road so she asked me what she could get involved in. Care For Carers told us about the online photography project they were running with Create. The couple ended up participating in the project together. To begin with, the husband was non-verbal but during the project, his self-esteem lifted, he was going into the garden for the first time and his communication improved. His wife attributed all of this to them taking part in the Create project together.”

Erica, a Co-ordinator at Care For Carers, shared why giving carers a voice through the creative arts is important. “In many ways, caring is quite an invisible thing. It’s something that people get on with and though it can be really rewarding, it can be really difficult too. Giving people the opportunity to express themselves, learn a new skill or talk to other people in similar situations is important. It might just be for an hour, but it’s an hour they can focus on themselves.”

Create Founding CEO Nicky said “It has been deeply moving to witness the depth of the relationships built online during lockdown, a time during which the lives of carers were made that much more difficult. The artwork on display at the creative:voices Edinburgh and Glasgow exhibition, and the stories that have been shared, are a testament to the impact creativity can have on an individual, and on society.”

*Names have been changed to protect anonymity.

creative:voices Edinburgh and Glasgow is supported by First Sentier Investors.

read susie’s story

A photograph taken by adult carer Susie on Create's creative:voices Edinburgh and Glasgow project


“For the last 14 years I’ve been caring. Me and my husband worked, we had our own business. Then, the accident happened. He had a heart attack stopping a crime and got a brain injury, and that’s where it all stopped. This is how I became a carer overnight.”

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artwork gallery

How Susie became a carer overnight

A photograph taken by adult carer Susie on Create's creative:voices Edinburgh and Glasgow project

How susie became a carer overnight

Since 2021, adult carers from Edinburgh and Glasgow have come together for a series of online projects with Create – delivered via our Create Live! Zoom format – led by our professional artists in the artforms of photography, visual art and zine. Separated by 50 miles and a global pandemic, the partnership began during the COVID-19 pandemic, bringing carers together during a time of extreme isolation to develop both creative skills and friendships through a screen.

A photograph taken by adult carer Susie on Create's creative:voices Edinburgh and Glasgow project
A photograph taken by adult carer Susie on Create’s creative:voices Edinburgh and Glasgow project

In recent weeks, the group have taken part in a photography project under the guidance of Create photographer Alejandra Carles-Tolra.  On Thursday 15 June, the participants were finally able to meet in person when they attended an exhibition celebrating their remarkable artwork. We spoke to Susie about her experiences and what she gained from our creative:voices Edinburgh and Glasgow project.


Susie’s story

“I’m 48, so for the last 14 years I’ve been caring. Me and my husband worked, we had our own business. Then, the accident happened. He had a heart attack stopping a crime and got a brain injury, and that’s where it all stopped. This is how I became a carer overnight. I was also busy raising our daughter and keeping the house. There was no time for me to do anything. Now, our daughter is 16 and I feel that I’m still young enough to learn something. I would like to teach myself further. Photography is something that moves me, so I wonder, could I develop my skills more?  

“I don’t normally have a chance to do creative things. Often when I’m out and about, I would take a second to capture a photo with my phone, but nothing like this project. As carers, we’re just so occupied, it’s non-stop.

“[The project has been] educational. It might give me a chance in the future to do something else with what I’ve learnt. I really enjoyed it. It gives me a break from everything else I do.

re-awakening creativity

“[At these workshops] I’ve discovered this creativity that I didn’t know existed until Alejandra started guiding me. She makes me think about this task only and nothing else, and that is great for me, to be able to take my mind off other things and just concentrate on the specific task.

“After taking part in the project, I can create my own artificial light and do things that I never thought I could. I’ve learnt we can create amazing art with simple things around the house. It’s been a process of, “I had no idea I could use that” and then I try it and it works!

It’s very good to see what other people have come up with, too. It’s encouraging and gives me more ideas. It has made me learn new things.

learning something new

“Photography is something that I always wanted to do as a hobby, and definitely something I’m interested in. This project is just giving me a fresh breath of air and opportunity to learn, create and actually be guided to do things: something as simple as using the camera on my own phone.

A photograph taken by adult carer Susie on Create's creative:voices Edinburgh and Glasgow project
A photograph taken by adult carer Susie on Create’s creative:voices Edinburgh and Glasgow project

“I can use the skills that I’ve learnt to take a picture of a flower or bird. It makes me feel better and happier. Now I know how to use the colours or change my position so I can get better lighting. It makes me feel like I’ve learnt something. I think it’s important for us to make the time to educate ourselves.

I have learnt that I can do this. I have learnt that I’ve got more confidence, and I feel more empowered that I can do photography.

It was great to hear the other carers admiring my photos. It was just so pleasing to hear that someone actually likes what I did. One carer said “I could have this on my wall”. It’s nice to hear that from someone else.”

creative:voices Edinburgh and Glasgow is supported by First Sentier Investors.