creative:voices is Create’s multi-artform programme that enables adult carers to take a creative break from their caring responsibilities, build trusting relationships with their peers and develop communication skills, new interests and confidence.

According to Carers UK, 47% of carers said they needed more breaks or time off from caring.

For five weeks in May and June 2023, carers from Sefton took part in a mosaic project with Create’s professional artist Ruth Dillon. Pam (65) told us about her experience.

Pam’s caring story

“I cared for my husband and my mum, but my mum’s died now. She was 95 and had dementia for 18 years. My husband died in 2012. I do feel now the emptiness that they’ve gone. You think you’ll never laugh again but you do. I do have my moments but I’m looking back and thinking “how did I manage all of that?”.”

working with create

“We learnt about the [colour] spectrum, using colours in a certain way, which I’ve never thought of when I’ve done artwork. I’ve just sort of thrown myself into it, so that was different. Then, we went onto model making which was just lovely. Same with this mosaic. I just feel so pleased with what I’ve done. I made a hen and it’s my pride and joy on my mantlepiece at the moment.

“I do need motivation at times so this project has given me encouragement. It’s forced me in a good way. I’ve learnt not be afraid to have a go.

I’ve enjoyed everything – meeting everybody, the atmosphere, the format, the social aspect, and the fact that it’s quality projects we’re making. I can appreciate and feel good about it. I’ve got something to keep and look back on.

“I’ve bonded with the group and you wonder about them some weeks when they’ve not turned up. We help each other and share ideas. We plod on and maybe inspire each other to some point.”


“While I’ve been doing things here, I forget about all the other things going on in my life.”

“It’s just a lovely thing. It’s something that only you have done and you take ownership of it. I’d recommend it to anybody! You’ll be surprised at how good the work is. Everybody’s work is very pleasing.”