According to research conducted by University College London, engagement in arts groups can have positive effects on wellbeing in later stages of life. These effects include heightened life satisfaction, a strengthened sense of purpose, and reduced feelings of loneliness.
art:links is Create’s creative arts programme with vulnerable older people. It enables participants to build skills and confidence, express themselves, connect with others, and enhance their overall wellbeing.
During February and March 2024, members of Merton Dementia Hub participated in a visual art project led by Create artist Alisa Ruzavina.
Owain shared his first-hand experience of the project.
You need to be creative; it opens the mind. It means your mind is not asleep. In other words, it’s mind blowing.
“I’ve done artwork before, but my skills have always been more practical. “I definitely feel more confident. I feel I’m in charge here, like I’m back in the good old days. I’ve enjoyed all of it.
“I definitely feel more connected to the others here. I wouldn’t know anybody around here otherwise, so it’s helped me engage with people. You get to know people’s quirks, what makes them special. We’ve all got quirks. For some people here, this is the only time they get to go anywhere outside of their home.”
I enjoy coming up here, and I always look forward to it
This project was supported in London by The Charity of Sir Richard Whittington (via The Mercers’ Company), City Bridge Foundation and Wimbledon Foundation Community Fund.