creative:connection is our award-winning programme breaking down barriers between young people from special and mainstream schools. In July 2018, pupils from The Queen Katherine School and Sandgate School in Cumbria collaborated on a sculpture project. Two Kendal students told us about their experiences taking part in the project.
“I didn’t know any of the Sandgate students before. I’ve learnt about what issues people can have.”
Jamie, who attends Sandgate School:
“We’ve been making fish and underwater animals. We’re making them because people waste plastic and then they drop it in the water and the fish swallow the plastic and die because they think it’s food. I learned that it’s important to put plastic in the bin instead of throwing it on the floor. I’ve learned loads from Jack [Create’s professional artist].
“I don’t do creative things much apart from on Tuesdays at school. I’ve enjoyed all of the project. I liked the spray-painting that we did, and making the jellyfish head using weaving and threading. It’s been good working with the Queen Katherine students. I go to The Queen Katherine School at lunch so I’ll see the sculpture there.”

Richard, who attends The Queen Katherine School:
“I’ve had the most fun on the project. You can make good things out of plastic if you proper think about it, like we’ve been making a turtle. I liked putting the plastic together to make the sculptures. This is the first time I’ve done sculpture. I wasn’t expecting us to make something so big.
“Being creative makes your brain better because you have to think of different things. It’s useful because if you have to make a poster in a history or French lesson at school, or if you’re designing your bedroom, you’ve got good ideas to do it.
“It’s nice working in the group because you can get to know people more. I didn’t know any of the Sandgate students before. I’ve learnt about what issues people can have. If you do something that a Sandgate student has an issue with and you didn’t know, you wouldn’t do it again because you’d know it would proper get them and they would have to calm down. Once you know that they are really friendly. They’re not as shy now as they were on the first day, and they’ve got good talent.”

Names changed to protect anonymity