Cameron inspired arts


inspired:arts is Create’s multi-art programme for young carers. This December (2017) inspired:arts has been in Merton where our jewellery designer Hayley Kruger has been working with young people from Carers Support Merton.

The group have experimented with various materials and design techniques to produce a range of jewellery, as well as seasonal Christmas decorations. Working in small groups enables the young carers to build upon teamwork and communication skills alongside developing their creativity. inspired:arts has given them a break from their caring responsibilities, encouraging them to build trusting relationships with their peers and develop social skills and confidence.

Cameron inspired arts

Cameron’s older brother has severe Global Development Delay, microcephaly and epilepsy. Now seven, Cameron has been caring for him since he was four years old. Cameron talked to us about taking part in inspired:arts.

“We’ve been making jewellery – making different designs by twisting and twirling the materials around, then tying them up. Today we’ve been doing designs with ribbon. We’re going to hang them from Christmas trees, so the trees can be decorated. We’ve not just been making Christmas decorations all the time though – we’ve been doing lots of different jewellery designs.

“Things like this are good for young carers like me because people have lots of fun and make creative, colourful stuff.”


“I felt very happy working with Hayley because she was so kind. It was lots of fun working with the rest of the group too, and now I’ve made some new friends. By taking part I’ve learnt that working in a group is not all about me – it’s about listening to others and having respect.

“Things like this are good for young carers like me because people have lots of fun and make creative, colourful stuff. Now that it’s the last session, I feel sad that you’ll never ever come back!”

(Don’t worry Cameron – Create will be running inspired:arts with Carers Support Merton again in February).

* Name changed to protect anonymity

Read about inspired:arts

Cameron inspired arts

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