
Our multi-artform project in partnership with Anthropologie


The project

In November 2022, we launched creative:me, our project in partnership with international lifestyle brand Anthropologie. The brand, which shares our vision that the creative arts can bring hope and inspiration to people’s lives, seeks to offer its customers an escape from the everyday, and to be a source of joy and creativity.

Working with our team of professional artists, we delivered three series of workshops with young carers, adult carers and older people in the London boroughs of Havering, Islington and Kingston, Islington.. Participants were given the chance to express themselves and connect with one another while creating artwork inspired by Anthropologie’s Christmas theme, ‘Sparkling Joy’. Working together in a warm, collaborative environment, they created beautiful ceramic pieces – including tiles, coil pots and vases – as well as festive collages, lino prints and scented lavender pouches.

“Using my creativity has helped me to calm down. I’ve gone into a different realm and it’s given me a rest from the outside world.”

Older person

the need

Create works with vulnerable individuals facing considerable challenges every day, and we have witnessed first-hand how creativity can help. An online survey of almost 50,000 people across the UK, publicised by BBC Arts, found that taking part in creative activities helps people manage stress, face up to challenges and explore solutions to problems in their lives.

Researchers identified three key ways that creativity is used:

• as a ‘distraction tool’ to avoid stress

• as a ‘contemplation tool’, creating the mental space to reassess problems and make plans; and

• for ‘self-development’, building self-esteem and confidence.

creative:me provided our participants with the space to work together and build new artistic skills whilst enhancing their wellbeing and allowing them to form meaningful connections.

“It was lovely to share ideas and help each other to work through challenges.”

adult carer


creative:me anthropologie islington
creative:me anthropologie islington


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This project was supported by Anthropologie.